Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 23- My Free Booty

And by "booty" I mean acquired treasures that I found inside the house...what were you thinking? So not much happened on Monday either...something probably happened but since I am behind all of my days are running into eachother so I will tell you about the attic and basement "antiques". So downstairs in the basement there is a small "crawl space" and by crawl space I mean a 4' tall by 4' deep ledge that runs around 1/3rd of the basement. This space was closed off with insulation board but when we tore it off we found what some might call junk and others might call treasure. I went with the later because most of it is pretty cool.
80 billion mason jars (ok, I admit that I might be exaggerating but there are ALOT)
I guess this is an old top to a "washing machine" and what I mean by washing machine is that this has a crank on the side and you ring your clothes through the two thingamajobbers and it rings out your clothes so you can hang them outside to dry. Although this "appliance" came with the house I have decided to upgrade and keep my old washer and dryer.
Up in the attic there were many treasures to be found. 3 suitcases, 1 never been used cot, one picture frame, one old vinyl wrapped twin headboard, and lots of books and games.

My contractor seemed to get a kick out of the English book.
The suitcases are pretty cool, even inside. I think I will try and make a table out of them or something.


Joes Noise said...

wow Mel that is pretty awesome, I bet some of the stuff is actually worth some "REAL" money...seriously...love you, your doing great, keep up the work...ready to paint soon I hope...xoxoxoxox

A. Hess said...

Hey! You might have some good finds there. I call dibs on the science book in the picture. Just think it would be fun to look at.

Tam said...

Wow, I love thinking about all the stuff that went on in an old house. Then to find objects! So, English is our language!!! We need to remember that. Looking forward to seeing your house. I'm sure you can get some money out of that stuff--have time for Antique Road Show? Your renovation journal is coming along quite nicely.

The Johnston Family said...

fun treasures! gonna try and sell anything at our garage sale?