Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 27- Watch your Step!

Well the floor of the bathroom upstairs was very soft from water damage and was now an issue once the tile had been removed. Part of it needed to be replaced and since I wasn't sure how I felt about cutting out floor and kneeling on rafters with a giant opening I had my contractor do it.
So all the sudden when I walked in one day I saw alot of light coming into the downstairs bathroom and when I realized that it was streaming from the big "skylight" above from lack of floor i will have to admit I was a little freaked out. But of course I had to grab a picture because hopefully this is something that I will never see again.
And the mess below from the falling rotten floor. Awesome. Can I just tell you how many times I have cleaned out this bathroom?? And I'm not even living there yet!

1 comment:

The Johnston Family said...

fabulous updates! move along faster with the blogs so i can see the drywall pics!! =)