Thursday, April 15, 2010

Demoltion Day 10- The Day of Rest

Well it was Sunday...and God rested on Sunday right?? I seriously didn't even drive by that day. Just kinda needed to not think about it for a day...but I did get a pedicure! :)
I also researched my house. I know that might sound weird, but I had had a few neighbors come by and ask me if I knew that this was a Sears Roebuck house. No, I had not known that. And then I had a neighbor come by Saturday morning and tell me the same thing, but then he went on to tell me the model name!
The Lewiston
which you can read about here.

It is insane what you can just look up online so easily now days! The house is very similar, kitchen has a different layout and no window in front and the chimney is not quite so fancy, the upstairs is different because they did go with the "2nd bath option" by adding a dormer (as noted in the add), but other than that it is my house!
Pretty cool huh?

1 comment:

The Johnston Family said...

that's awesome that you found the original replica of your house! take on the world baby!