Friday, April 9, 2010

Demolition Day 6- I have a roof ...and a Hole

Don't worry...the hole isn't in the roof.
Well the rain held off and my roof got done and looks amazing. I had a neighbor stop by that night asking if I had bought the place. I said yes and she said "Well I like what you have done with it already!"...followed by "You must like projects!" Ummm....Yes, yes I do.

And while the guys were hammering away outside I dug out more of the problem corner inside and confirmed that we are going to have to tear it all out and re-frame the whole corner. Hopefully we can salvage most of the Aluminum siding we take off the corner and only spend a few hundred dollars on the structure. But right can see daylight...not cool. And I think now that most things are torn out this might be the only big surprise I run into (Knock on wood...unrotten wood that is).The final item I tried to conquer that day was the dining room floor...but it conquered my instead. For some strange reason someone decided that they should install a ceramic tile over the dining room wood floor...??? I have always hoped that it is salvagable...but everyone always told me not to get my hopes up because you could not tell how they had installed the sub-floor.
So Cheryl and I had been hitting at this floor with sledge hammers randomly since we started. It was a slow process and even when I got a 3'x3' space cleared I had a hard time prying it up from underneath. The good news was that the subfloor had been glued and stapled down (instead of screwed which is good news for salvaging the wood floor) and the 3'x3' piece did come up pretty cleaned, just leaving behind a sticky residue. The bad news was...this was going to take me 2 days to do by myself. So? I paid my crew to do it and it was done in an hour. Sweet. Now I just need to scrape off the goo and try to see if it will sand down with the rest.

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