Friday, April 9, 2010

Demolition Day 7- Bye Bye Paneling

This was actually easier than I expected...kinda. The entire 2nd floor which is considered 1/2 a floor? is essentially a big finished attic. The entire thing was covered in wood paneling except for the bathroom which was covered in peach tile (and wallcovering of course).
Big difference with the nasty carpet and paneling gone! Much brighter.
Now one question I do have and would love your vote on. Ok, I love the wood stairs, they are definitely keepable...although a little squeeky. But my inital thought was to carpet them with the new play room at the top of the stairs because I was worried about the kids falling down them (or myself). They are kinda steep and turn quickly 90degress at the end. What is your vote? Leave a comment to let me know!
Big Difference in Lilly's future room too.
And there is actually particle board and very old insulation behind the paneling. I comtemplated with leaving it and laminating drywall over it but decided the best idea would be to rip it all out now and do it right. But that just does not sound fun at all!


Unknown said...

knowing you, you would fall down those stairs! i think you are going to have to cover them with something

The Sandoval Family said...

maybe just carpeting down the middle of them? or is that not cool?? i have wood stairs and love them, but then again I don't have crazy steep stairs with a weird angle at the bottom.

The Johnston Family said...

wow mel it is looking so much better!! love the roof! i would carpet the stairs, especially since they are steep. they won't get too stained and what not since they are not the first things to climb right when you walk in the ours. Plus it will join well with the playroom part and you won't have to try and finish them which I am sure would be a pain.

Tam said...

In interest of falling, carpet them with something durable but cushiony. That little of carpeting can be removed later or just keep updating it. Dogs don't like to go down slick stairs either. Amber would not go down the basement stairs after she fell. You go, girl!